Thursday, 27 March 2008

New Beginnings

Welcome to the first instalment in what I hope will be a stimulating, engaging, and maybe even amusing, romp through all things horticultural.

Of course, the real judges of this will be you. So I encourage you to post your comments, thoughts, views and reactions on anything that seems vaguely related.

In the spirit of spontaneity I don't have any firm subjects that I promise to cover. Instead, I'm going to kick this thing out into the ether and see what happens.

What I will say is that the following things interest me and so are likely to end up appearing here: plants, gardening, garden design, garden history, garden wildlife and horticultural books (new and old!). This isn’t an exhaustive list, but I think it’s quite enough to be getting on with.

As this is the first blog entry of a new blog, I don’t imagine many people are going to come across it, if at all. But if you have stumbled across it, do pop back when there’s some more content up here.

I look forward to blogging with you all…


Barbee' said...

Sounds interesting; keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on your blog - looks good and will be checking you for updates!

We're interested in supplementing our allotment efforts at home with a council allotment (if that's not too greedy!) so found your brief post about councils qu interesting!

Cheers and thanks,

Garden Sketcher said...

Thanks, Barbee!

Nigel - I don't think that's too greedy at all. The more demand there is for alotments that will be used, the better, as far as I can see.